Monday, March 15, 2010

"Real" Women.

A friend of mine pointed out the other day that clothes for larger women are always labelled "for REAL women". I myself have seen this too. But for the love of god, we cannot find the same label on smaller clothing. For skinnier girls. Are we not real women too?

Do we not have the ability to have babies? Have PMS? Love? Be loved? We all go through the same stuff. So why is the world trying to tell us that we have to be either a stick or a fat lump, then classing us as real and fake? My friend was actually upset by this accusation that only big women are real. As far as I'm concerned, we are all real women. With feelings and thoughts, regardless of the size of our bodies.

This is where life gets confusing. The debate about what looks best aside, we should focus on what it means to be a healthy, happy woman, rather than who gets the best clothing. Yes, smaller women tend to be healthier, happier and more confident, but I don't think that should make larger women resent them. Why not aspire to be that? Find a diet that works and stick to it. Don't just sit there and rain hatred down on small girls. Its actually not fair to anyone.

Smaller girls also do tend to get a bit over confident and bitchy towards bigger girls. You know why? I'll tell you. Because we always get the feeling you hope we trip and break our necks for being small.

See? Double edged sword. This lack of communication isn't good for anyone.

We are ALL real women. And the second we admit that, we can all help each other to achieve the look and life we want.


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