Friday, July 23, 2010

Boys boys boys!


So, a girl often wonders how to pick out a nice young gentleman to escort her about the place. And by this I mean to 'make an impression' as it were. With the way we function these days, its often that we meet boys in bars and clubs. These boys are particularly hard to sort through! But here is a quick how to for the girl on the go.

How to spot a nice guy in a sea of douches.

Number one.

A nice boy will buy you a drink. And not a shitty vodka and lemonade either. He'll get you whatever you like, or even suggest something delicious and new!

Number two.

He'll dance with you. He wont buy you a drink and ditch you just to liqueur you up again in a half an hour. He'll dance with you and flirt with you and laugh with you and offer you his jacket if you go outside to smoke.

Number three.

If you smoke and he doesn't. He will accompany you regardless.

And last but not least, he will ask for your number. If you go home with him, he will drop you home in the morning. He doesn't have to make you breakfast, but dropping you home or even paying for your cab ride means he's a bit of alright. (This only applies to boys who do all of the above)

Good luck in the vast sea of single-dome ladies! Remember, it's meant to be fun! So don't sweat the small stuff.



Anonymous said...

my goodness, arent we the slutosaurus? good thing not many young ladies read your blog, this is awful advice.

Celeste Von Messinger said...

Hi keyboard warrior. Did you get board without me?

Anonymous said...


I'm no keyboard warrior, this is actually just terrible, terrible advice. And this being a blog, you should be able to accept negative or postive feedback regardless.

Celeste Von Messinger said...

Thanks for the spelling correction. Also being MY blog I can rightly tell you to piss off.

This isn't feedback.

Zephyr said...

HA HAAA. Oh Keyboard warriors- they make me LOL.

Apparently still living in the day and age where ankles are considered genitals, I see?

Celeste Von Messinger said...

I wish I could like that comment. So good. I think its good advice for any girl going out. I cant rightly tell girls not to try and pick up. All I can do is point them to the less douchy of the male population.

Anonymous said...

Meh! We are young, we can do whatever we please! I think little miss anonymous just needs to get some by the sounds of it!!!


Celeste Von Messinger said...

I thought so too.

Cyndal said...

I liked the advice. It's simple little things that you wouldn't think of whilst in a club. But it's necessary things you'd usually think about on a date.
Clubbing is a great way to meet people, I found the love of my life in freaking HQ of all places.
I like that you've added some new stuff now, and looking forward to the 'getting rid of hangovers' post hahaha ;)
I'm glad you're enjoying single life! There definitely are plenty of advantages being you're own individual person :D