Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time to relax

Summer is close and is well known for being a time for parties, music festivals, hot sweaty nights and hotter days and with all that's going on you'll need a way to relax and de-stress from the endless hussle and bussle that Summer seems to bring. Not to mention try and stay healthy through the maddness, beer and burgers.

Its time to ditch the camomile tea and hot baths, you need some cool relaxation, Short girl style!

Over the past 6 weeks I have trialed and tested six different relaxation treatments and techniques so as to give you some of the best ways to relax this coming Summer. My chosen methods were, an intense detoxing diet (RAW non vegan), Shakti mat, Pet therapy, meditation, Aromatherapy and cupping.

First up I tried out aromatherapy, now I don't know about you girls, but I thoroughly enjoy walking into stores like Dusk and Lush simply to be bombarded with amazing smells. And they do say that smell is the sense that triggers more happy memories than any other sense! I got myself a Ylang ylang scented oil and set up my oil burner, took a seat and let the smell embrace me. I was suddenly filled with warmth and feeling quite tingly. I breathed deeply, in through my nose and out through my mouth. I had some great relaxation music playing softly in the background which really made the experience luxe.
Get yourself a big soft pillow or just sit on the floor, as long as you're comfortable, a scented candle or oil burner, a well ventilated room in a quiet spot and some relaxing music (Try Enya/deep forest - sweet lullaby or the sounds of nature), sit for at least 20 minutes and breath deeply, focus on your breath and the scent of the oil and relax. Its easy, cheap and definitely worth it.

To step it up a notch, go for an aromatherapy massage (or make your partner massage your back) with scented massage oils. My favorite scents are Ylang ylang, coconut, lavender and rose.

My next technique was to try "Pet therapy". Sounded a bit 'iffy' to me and I couldn't find a website on it. But after having done it, I believe it brings you and your pet closer together and relaxes you both.

Penny and I relaxing together.

Sit or lie in a comfortable position with your pet either sitting on your lap or lying on your chest (sitting or lying next to you if its a large pet). Rub their head and ears to get them into a relaxed state. Then as they close their eyes, close yours and continue petting them gently. Breathe deeply and put out positive energies to your pet. If they begin to get restless, don't force them to stay, as it wont be a relaxing experience for either of you. You can also do this with babies or your partner. I used my puppies because I don't have a baby and my boyfriend wont sit still.

On the 4th week of my exploration into relaxation I received my Shakti mat. I think I died a little when I pulled it out of the packet, having only seen photos of it before then. Its a Small foam mat covered in sharp spikes! I was terrified. I think that's why when I tried it the first time I could only manage 10 minutes, but even that left me feeling like I had just had a huge 2 day detox. After a while, I managed more and more time on it, and the feeling after became more and more relaxing. I learnt that the trick is to clear your mind. Don't think about ANYTHING, lest you will feel the wrath of the spikes. I love my Shakti mat now. I use it once a day for 20 minutes and am feeling better for it. It even helped clear up my cupping bruises!

Get yourself a Shakti mat asap. $149 from www.shaktimat.com.au

The mat comes with a pamphlet that has a couple of exercises you can do on it to help improve metabolism and release tension and upon bringing it to my naturopath, she confirmed that it in fact does everything it claims to do. It even has a symbol to help free your mind while meditating on the back of it! Its called the Shee Yantra, and it makes meditation way easier.

My fourth trial was of pure meditation. And I found it utterly difficult to say the least. My mind would race, making lists and problem solving, I couldn't relax and it only lasted a few minutes. In the end I had to succumb to music and the Shee Yantra to help me break my over thinking problem. I just put the same relaxing track on repeat and sat, cross legged, eyes focussed and deep breathed. Finally, I knew what it was all about, and it only took me 5 weeks to figure it out too!

Cupping. Now where do I start?

This is cupping.
This is what it looks like after.

Okay, now you've seen it. Looks painful doesn't it? Its really not. I promise. The bruises are actually more like giant hickeys, and if done properly will be darker in problem areas that need further looking at/massaging. Check out your local naturopath or Chinese Medical practitioner or look here for places in Australia or for more information on the treatment. After a session of cupping (which I get once a month) your naturopath will walk you through some treatment of the poor circulation of Qi that you have. You will see an improvement in your cupping results after a few sessions and bruising time can be reduced with use of the Shakti mat or daily massage. Its also a great conversation starter when you're wearing backless tops.

During my trials I changed my diet to the RAW (non vegan) diet. Which basically is any food that hasn't been processed, like whole wheat, raw or undercooked veggies, or steak rather than sausages. Its a pretty easygoing diet, but it does a lot, removing any processed condiments will also leave you feeling more refreshed. Try balsamic vinegar and olive oil on your salad rather than store bought dressing, Cook your steak with soy sauce or crushed garlic instead of tomato sauce or barbecue. The possibilities are endless. Switch to rye bread and stay away from any white flour products, drink and eat fresh dairy, drink lots of water or home made juices and eat plenty of fresh fruit, fresh fish and yogurt.

You've seen the ads, we know that there is a huge buzz around at the moment about the cleansing powers of açaí berries. After some careful research, I have found that the easier to come by and cheaper (and as it turns out BETTER) version of these berries is the humble blueberry! Pick up a punnet or two today and snack on them for breakfast and lunch for some powerful cleansing. Besides, açaí "dealers" are usually scammers anyway. Check out this page for more details!

Happy Spring/Summer guys!


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