Sometimes we all feel a little down. Sometimes when we feel a little down we cant see to see anything 'la vie en rose' no matter how hard we try. This in itself can make your mood worse and all you want to do is 'poof' and vanish. The world can be a tough place when you're by yourself and there isn't always a helping hand. So I have written a few things that work for me when I'm in the deepest and bluest of the deep blue funks.
♥Take a bath, add bubbles and turn on some calming music. Breathe slowly and focus on your breath. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Clear your head. Relax. Its just you and the water.
♥Jump on your bed. Being silly and the physical exertion will activate endorphins and get you feeling a bit better. To step it up, put on some bright colored clothing and go for a run.
♥Clean your house. Getting rid of ex boyfriends belongings. Give the dog a bath. A tidy up can make you feel like you've accomplished something and will clear your head. Force yourself to do it. Turn up your iPod and get cracking.
♥Calorie fest. Yes I know its a bit weird to suggest it, but it works. Don't do it all the time though. That's when it gets a bit destructive. Eating isn't a solution. But its nice to have a couple choccies when you're feeling blue.
♥Rug up and watch a bad movie. The special effects being terrible and the mic coming down from the top of the screen will be sure to make you laugh. And you don't have to stick to 'bad' movies either, pick out a romance movie, grab some tissues and let out some of that hurt, or you could get a cool action flick and yell at the screen.
♥Retail Therapy. Try to stay away from buying clothing though, if it doesn't look right or things are a little small, it'll make you feel worse. Go to the Bodyshop, Lush, Tiffany&Co. Cartier, or Louis Vutton. Accessories and body stuff don't often come in sizes and when it doesn't suit you, you wont take it personally. Pick up something nice or just try stuff on. Spoiling yourself a little can help you feel a lot better.
♥Sing! Crank up your best party mix and go nuts! Scream if you have to! Let out some of those feelings. Why keep whats hurting you?
♥Sleep. You can wake up feeling relaxed and refreshed, often feelings like stress and anxiety can wear you out, you become exhausted and some shut eye will help fix that. You should be getting 6 hours sleep a night, at least! Your body needs to sleep so it can heal and regain energy to run properly. Also make sure you're eating properly and excersising. Stay awat from caffene and sugar before you sleep to get there quicker and if you're still having trouble speak to your GP.
♥Go for a walk. Get on a train to nowhere. Just being alone and doing what you want can give you a high and make you feel better. Know that you have no one to please but yourself and in that you'll stress less about the rest of the stuff your life.
♥Read. Curling up on the couch or in the park or on the beach with a good book can get you out of your head and into to someone else's. Try any Jane Austin, Patric Suskind's Perfume, Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca, F. Scott Fitsgerald's The Great Gatsby or The Lambs of London by Peter Ackroyd. Stop by your nearest Dymmoks or Boarders and see what they have to offer. You can pick up a few books and delve deep into your own imagination. Your mind is the limit.
Feel better soon!